Head Injury image

Head Injury

There is a growing concern in Australia and internationally about the incidence of sport-related concussions and the potential health ramifications. A concussion is a brain injury, a complex physiological process that affects the brain, induced by external forces. Trauma may be c...

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Motivational music and exercise

The researchers in the journal Psychology of Sport & Exercise found that music can impact your effort. The athletes generated more enjoyment, and that this effect has the potential to reduce the chances of people giving up on exercise.   During exercise, listening to ...

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Child Brain Development - Podcast 6 image

Child Brain Development - Podcast 6

On episode #6 of Brainstorm Bites, we look further into child brain development and the impact primitive reflexes (PR) can have on brain development if they are retained or not fully integrated during the first 6-12 months of life.  Functions of the higher centres includin...

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 Signs and Symptoms of Sensory Processing Disorder image

Signs and Symptoms of Sensory Processing Disorder

If you talk to parents who have kids with learning and behavioural issues, the most common correlation among these children will be their sensory processing or the lack of it. While it is a common notion that a majority of children with disorders about the Autism Spectrum have ...

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Shoulder Pain

Painful shoulder conditions that limit movement are prevalent and are caused by injuries affecting the shoulder joint, muscles, tendons, ligaments and cartilage.  Doing more movements with the arm than with any other body part is possible. The arm is such a helpful tool th...

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Sensory Processing Disorder

Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) is a complex neurological condition that impairs functional and social development. Children identified with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) have altered interpretation of most sensory awareness. Often these children can feel overwhelmed by s...

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School Readiness Programs for Brain Development

More and more children start school with some form of developmental delay.  Have you considered a school readiness program?  Early brain development is one of the most important pathways to ongoing learning, behavioural competence, positive social relationships an...

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Common Learning Disorders image

Common Learning Disorders

School life in today’s world has become quite hectic and tedious for kids. Successful career prospects require children to be well-learned and intelligent right from the beginning. Hard work is not only appreciated but also mandatory, or the child will be deemed a lagger, some...

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Developing skills and confidence to achieve their full potential. image

Developing skills and confidence to achieve their full potential.

Paediatric rehabilitation is about building strength, refining function and inspiring children to increase their skills and confidence to achieve their full potential.  Some therapy examples include:  1. Rest! Let your brain and body recover with rest. Yes, ...

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Ball games for the brain image

Ball games for the brain

People don’t consider the development of manual dexterity like hand-eye coordination in babies to be an essential element of cognitive development. In fact, the scientific terminology itself – “motor skills” for the movement and “cognitive skills” for mental processi...

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 Just Move it! image

Just Move it!

Be active every day 

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Why should kids exercise? image

Why should kids exercise?

Just move and move at an early age. That is the summary of a study presented in 2012, concluding that lasting health habits are solidified during childhood. Obesity is a real concern for children. The risk of secondary health disorders like diabetes, heart problems, cognitive i...

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Verbal learning disabilities with children image

Verbal learning disabilities with children

Verbal learning disabilties and impairments typically include dyslexia, dyscalculia and dysgraphia. These verbal learning disabilities can be broadly classified in functional terms. Such that dyslexia includes most disorders of reading and spelling, dyscalculia labeled as a ma...

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