Sensory Processing Disorder

Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) is a complex neurological condition that impairs functional and social development. Children identified with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) have altered interpretation of most sensory awareness. Often these children can feel overwhelmed by sensory information, may pursue other sensory stimulus (flapping, bouncing or biting as an example) or may avoid certain experiences. 

The following is a brief guide of some characteristics a child with Sensory Processing Disorder may display: 

  • Child may seem to be in constant motion, unable to sit still 
  • Seems to be always running, jumping, stomping rather than walking 
  • Often bumps and knocks into objects - labelled as clumsy 
  • Avoids messy play and doesn’t like to get hands dirty 
  • Hates having hair washed, brushed or cut 
  • Often wearing new clothing the will tags irritate and bother the child 
  • Distressed by loud or sudden sounds such as fireworks, a siren or a vacuum 
  • Has poor fine motor skills; such as writing and cutting, difficulty with buttons and tying shoelaces 
  • Has poor gross motor skills; such as body co-ordination, riding a bike, swimming, running 
  • Balance problems 
  • Problems tracking objects with eyes, like reading books 
  • Marked mood variations and tendency to outbursts and tantrums 
  • Fussy eater and often gags

 It is critical for childhood development that sensory information is processed appropriately within the brain. The sensory information lays the foundation for emotional, social and motor control and growth. 

Children with Sensory Processing Disorder have difficulties like; 

  • the inability to make friends or be a part of a group, 
  • academic challenges 
  • being labeled clumsy and uncooperative
  • behavior problems. 
Parents may be blamed for their children’s behavior by people who are unaware of their own child disability. 

At Brainstorm we have trained therapists who can assess a child’s neurological function with the current available testing. Often a child typically presents to Brainstorm with a diagnosis of Sensory Processing Disorder and specialised therapeutic strategies and programs are developed for that child’s disability. For more information contact our office.

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Sensory Processing Disorder