What is Balance Training?

Specific balance training is an area our therapist at Brainstorm have specific skills and training. Common symptoms of a vestibular disorder include dizziness, vertigo, and imbalance. Patients may also experience nausea, hearing changes, anxiety, fatigue and trouble concentrating. 

At Brainstorm, a detailed evaluation is done incorporating static and dynamic computerised posturography (http://brainstormrehab.com.au/blog/vertigo-testing/), balance risk assessments, balance scores and testing of neurological function to determine the type of vestibular deficit and its effect on the patient’s balance and quality of life. With this knowledge an appropriate therapy and balance training can be applied. 

There are several causes and types of vestibular disorders which can be determined by your practitioners. The most commonly seen disorders at Brainstorm include: 

  • Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) 
  • Vestibular Neuritis and Labyrinthitis 
  • Meniere’s Syndrome 
  • Vestibular Hypofunction 
  • Migrainous Vertigo 
  • Cervicogenic Vertigo


What is Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy (VRT)? 

The treatment of a patient with an inner ear disorder focuses on determining a specific plan based on the individual diagnosis and symptoms. When the vestibular system has been affected due to one of the above conditions the brain cannot rely on the information it is receiving from the vestibular system. The patient’s ability to maintain balance is now dependent on vision and signalling from muscles and joints. Often a compensation pattern of behaviour can manifest. The result of balance related adaptions are 

  • characteristic postural changes, 
  • eye patterns and 
  • avoidance of activities. 
Overall these avoidances make symptoms worse and increase the need for VRT. 
VRT includes: 
  • Limb exercises 
  • Motor control activities
  • Gaze stabilising exercises 
  • Balance retraining exercises 
  • Multisensory processing with vestibular control activities 

In addition to a home program, patients are seen by the physical therapist one to two times each week for an average of four to six weeks. During this time progress is monitored, the home exercise program is modified, and specific balance retraining occurs.

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What is Balance Training?