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Testing For Dizziness | Brainstorm Rehabilitation

Testing for Dizziness

The Dizziness Handicap Inventory (DHI) measures self-perceived disability attributed to balance disorders. The standard questionnaire contains 25 questions categorised as physical, emotional, or functional qualities that influence dizziness.

Why use a Dizziness Handicap Inventory? 

Numerous studies have identified that this assessment scale is an effective instrument to measure the effects of dizziness. Moreover, the Dizziness Handicap Inventory can be used to identify the qualities of balance disorder. The responses to the twenty-five questions are weighted depending on the impact dizziness has on that statement. For example, question seven, “Because of your problem, do you have difficulty reading? ”. Each question is scored with a response “Yes”, with 4 points, “sometimes”, with 2 points and “never”, with a score of 0 points. The total score ranges from zero (no perceived disability) to 100 (maximum perceived disability). 

Our trained physical therapists at Brainstorm provide functional balance testing for various vestibular disorders. 

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Testing for Dizziness