Technology in Rehabilitation

Technology in rehabilitation has advanced incredibly in recent years. 

For example, the ability to measure and monitor activity participation in the environment in a reliable manner has necessitated wearable sensors in healthcare (Patel, Park, Bonato, Chan, & Rodgers, 2012). 

Utilising wearable body sensors to quantify activity has been exhaustively explored within the elderly population (Chen, Kwong, Chang, Luk, & Bajcsy, 2005; Howcroft, Kofman, & Lemaire, 2013), across various neurological conditions (Haeuber, Shaughnessy, Forrester, Coleman, & Macko, 2004; Motl, Sandroff, & Sosnoff, 2012; Schmidt, Pennypacker, Thrush, Leiper, & Craik, 2001), and with the healthy population as well (Hale, Pal, & Becker, 2008). 

The sensors worn detect and transmit critical physiological and biomechanical information like skin temperature, oxygen saturation, pulse rate, body acceleration and body positioning (Maurer, Smailagic, Siewiorek, & Deisher, 2006). 

A commonly used method to assess activity levels include various forms of accelerometers (Karantonis, Narayanan, Mathie, Lovell, & Celler, 2006), PDA and IPhone applications using GPS and gyro accelerometers, pedometers or step counters and heart rate monitors. 

For accurate understanding of the patient’s requirements a clinical rehabilitation therapist should embrace technology in rehabilitation. At Brainstorm we have access to various forms of wearable sensors to incorporate an appropriate therapy program.

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Technology in Rehabilitation