There is more to gaining a competitive edge than just fitness. The latest research suggests athletes should start to look inside their head first. The brain function is the next frontier with achieving a sporting edge.
At Brainstorm, our approach is to assess the brain thoroughly and to identify any areas of dysfunction. Through specific stimulation and various movement-based programs, our therapists can help integrate the entire brain and determine where your strengths and weaknesses may lie. Research is suggesting that athletic performance requires physical training; such as passing the ball or run drills, but also specific brain training. Our Brainstorm programs are exercises for the brain to help it perform at an optimum level, just like any other part of an athlete’s body.
Brainstorm is devoted to understanding and unlocking the power of the athletic brain. An athlete’s brain is wired very uniquely and fires in a particular way for peak performance.
The athlete processes and constructs the play in a very different way at a critical rate. This intelligence within the brain incorporates the skills of:
- motor timing and synchronicity,
- visual perception,
- concentration,
- memory recall,
- motor accuracy,
- spatial reasoning,
- balance control and
- skill acquisition.
At Brainstorm, we are working with experts in sports and neuroscience to better understand athletic performance. We collaborate with leading coaches and trainers to support the athlete to perform at their optimum.
If you are an athlete wanting to explore how brain training can assist you to perform at your optimum please contact us or book an appointment to get started.