If you or someone you love has had a brain injury, you may feel overwhelmed by the uncertainty of the recovery process. The brain affects everything a person does. And because no two brain injuries are alike, it’s difficult to know what lasting effects the injury may have—how it will affect who a person is. After sustaining a brain injury or experiencing a neurological illness, a person may undergo a wide range of medical, physical, cognitive, and behavioural changes.
A traumatic brain injury (TBI) is an injury to the brain caused by an external force after birth. Common causes of a traumatic brain injury include gunshot wounds, motor vehicle crashes, assaults, or falling and striking your head.
An acquired brain injury (ABI) includes all types of traumatic brain injuries and also brain injuries caused after birth by cerebral vascular accidents (commonly known as stroke), and loss of oxygen to the brain (hypoxic brain injury).
Injuries to the brain that are present at birth or progressive in nature, such as Alzheimer’s disease or Parkinson’s are not considered a traumatic or acquired brain injury.
Our brain injury rehabilitation program offers highly effective and individualised care for people recovering from the following brain-related disorders:
Treatment is designed to help the patient continue progressing towards their functional goals. In order to achieve these individual goals, the patient and the Functional Neurologist work together to improve strength, coordination, balance, endurance, attention, problem solving and other functional skills.
You may need help to re-learn skills that were lost.
Whatever the cause or severity of brain injury, our goal is to get our patients back to their lives and families—as much as possible, back to the people they were before the injury.
Understand that recovery after a brain injury is a journey. You do not have to go it alone. Contact us for assessment and information as you move along your journey.