Human balance is dependant upon many qualities of health. In brief, the balance function processes information about you and your environment, then appropriately responds to the input. When all of these systems are functioning correctly, there is a feeling of equilibrium or balance.
However, individuals with disruption of one or more of these senses may lead to a state of disequilibrium (Kandel, Schwartz, & Jessell, 2000; Shumway-Cook & Woollacott, 2007). This may manifest with feelings of:
- anxiety,
- falling over,
- clumsiness,
- miss-judging distances,
- dizziness,
- vertigo,
- motion sickness and many more (Jacobson, Thompson, Wallace, Brown, & Rial, 2011).
A simple test to assist you to evaluate your balance outcome is available below. A short test including nine functional activities, which can be performed at home. Upon completing the test an evaluation report will be emailed to you. We encourage you to routinely re-test.