A follow-up appointment visit will be made after your initial consultation with us so we can go through the findings, provide recommendations & discuss your therapy options, non-invasive activities that are designed to promote specific pathways in the brain.
With your overall goals in mind, we will continue to assess your therapy, working in partnership with all of your rehabilitation therapists as we work towards making activities that were once tricky fun and enjoyable.
Practitioner Darren J Gray is not medically trained or medically registered within Australia. All content presented (clinical, research or theoretical) relating to functional neurology/neuroscience, though sourced from current scientific literature as much as possible, is not meant to convey a medically trained opinion, or specifically, a medical neurologist expert opinion on topics presented. Patients who attend for functional neurology or neuro-rehab services should seek a second opinion from a registered specialist neurologist or medical practitioner, if they wish to do so, prior to commencing treatment.